Monday, March 28, 2011

Psych 9 [2010]

Plot:On the list of worst job descriptions: file clerk in a spooky, rundown, recently closed hospital… on the night shift. But this is the very job taken by Roslyn (Sara Foster), a troubled young woman looking for peace and quiet. Unfortunately for Roslyn, Psych: 9, an offering from Ghost House Underground's line of straight-to-video shockers, offers little of either. To make matters edgier for our high-strung heroine, a serial killer known as the Nighthawk has been murdering women in very near proximity to the hospital. Well, a job is a job in these uncertain economic times, and where would horror movies be if young women didn't occasionally work night shifts at abandoned hospitals? Whatever promise Psych: 9 holds as a genre exercise quickly dissipates in its one-note design and its unlikely, borderline-incoherent plot turns. Foster gives a gutsy enough performance, with support from alienated husband Gabriel Mann, sympathetic doctor Cary Elwes, and unsympathetic detective Michael Biehn. When the third act's big reveal is a device most casual moviegoers will be able to spot at least an hour earlier, a movie is in trouble. This one has a terminal condition.

 Let me start off by saying were they kidding when they said this is a Horror, Mystery & Thriller? This movie starts off bad and just keeps going downhill, it also seems as if the director does not know what they wanted to do with movie as it takes some weird turns but does not explain why or even give background. Sara Foster and Cary Elwes make this whole movie as their acting is on point especially Cary Elwes as Dr. Clement which is probably his best roll after his roll in Saw.
Psych 9 does not know which direction to take is it either a supernatural horror film or a serial killer horror film or a delusional horror film, either way it puts all these together thinking it will be a good movie but fails miserably. There are some scenes in the movie that could resemble a horror film but the movie is so horribly directed that you start to wonder what the hell your watching. Feels like a low budget kinda movie with weird angles and green color editing to make the movie feel more of a horror film. To my surprise there was not a lot of gore or any real scary moments in the movie.

Psych 9 tried to tell a story about a sexually abused girl with a lot of psychological problems and trying to sort them out after not being able to have a baby with her husband. Then the movie takes a turn into some serial killer killing women at night time and a detective trying to figure out who the killer is.

Without spoiling it for anyone I'd have to say the last 10 minutes are the most confusing of the entire movie as the story starts to unfold it still is unclear of what is going on and while your trying to figure that out the movie just goes into some weird scenes that should definitely not be in the movie. 

Overall I thought it was a waste of my time and would NEVER recommend anyone to watch this movie.

Rate - 3/10

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