Friday, February 25, 2011

The Resident [2011]

Plot: Every year, three million single women in America move into an apartment for the first time. They do not know who lived in the apartment before them, they do not know their landlords, and they dont bother to change the locks. This is the story of one such woman. After separating from her husband, pretty young doctor Juliet Dermer moves to Brooklyn, settling into a new life in a stunning and spacious loft apartment that seems too good to be true. It is...Mysterious occurrences lead her to suspect that she is not alone in her home and quickly her fears become all too real

So I just finished watching "The Resident" and I'm going to say what a waste of my time!

It started off pretty good and with a couple of good actors/actresses it seems like something great is going to come out of this - Well what a big fucking let down. Not only did this movie have the potential to be a good thriller/horror film but it also had the potential to make a lot of money and win Oscars.

Anyways the reveal of the plot was way to early and the plot itself seems meaningless, seems like no one put any thought into this script. The acting was great from both Hilary Swank & Jeffrey Dean Morgan, you also see Christopher Lee in a couple of scenes which IMO he played great as usual. The rest of the movie was a bore and nothing but boredom comes to mind if I start to think back on what I just watched. I can see why they skipped the shame of a theater showing and went directly to DVD/Blu-Ray.

Basically what I'm saying is skip this movie in its entirety!

Rate- 3/10

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